Explore careers in Ayrshire engineering

The Ayrshire Engineering Alliance (AEA) members welcome new, young engineers into the market and support increasing gender parity in the workforce. AEA members are also happy to attract engineering talent back to Ayrshire.

With so many, diverse careers available in Ayrshire, local AEA members are supportive of programmes encouraging young people to pursue opportunities in engineering. You can read more about current programmes for those in secondary education, school leavers and university-level students on the Skills Development Scotland (SDS) website. Or get in touch through the button below if you have more specific questions.

Ayrshire also benefits from exceptional local academic support from Ayrshire College and the University West of Scotland (UWS). Ayrshire College has a great engineering school and an aeronautical engineering skills centre. UWS, which has a state of the art campus in Ayr, is globally recognised for its engineering school and offers a number of courses in the subject.

If you are a skilled engineer from outside Ayrshire and are interested in posts in the area, get in touch below as the AEA would be happy to circulate your CV around all members or send on to specific companies. We’d love to welcome you to the area.

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